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Pranayama med Karta Purkh Singh
19 oktober 2017 @ 17:30 - 19:30
300 SEKPranayama med Karta Purkh Singh
Välkommen på en workshop där vi fördjupar oss i Pranayama tillsammans med Karta Purkh Singh – en inspirerande och mycket erfaren kundaliniyogalärare som undervisar internationellt.
I den här workshopen får du möjlighet att fördjupa dig i olika andningstekniker och du får med dig användbara verktyg ut i vardagen. Karta Purkh Singh är en av våra lärare under vår yogaläarutbildning, så ta tillfället att träffa en internationell lärare med stor kunsakap. Alla är varmt välkomna oavsett tidigare yogaerfarenheter.
Pris: 300 kr
In this workshop you will expand your experience and understanding of breathing in Yoga and the flow of energy. Pranayama is in other words the ability to direct Prana, the life force. It is one of the eight limbs in the practice of Yoga and in Kundalini Yoga the flow of Prana is an essential part of every Kriya. You will learn how to connect the breath with your posture and body gates (bandhas) and how to easily bring your personal practice to a higher energetic level
Lärare: Karta Purkh Singh
Karta Purkh Singh came in touch with Kundalini Yoga while he was in university. He fell immediately in love with this rich and living science and soon felt the urge to share this experience and teach it.
Today Karta Purkh Singh is a KRI certified specialized trainer in the area of anatomy, Asana, posture and Kundalini techniques. He runs a practice for Yoga Therapy as a certified alternative practitioner since 1998. He also is the CEO of the Kundalini Yoga Teacher association (3HO) in Germany.
He is a Level 1 and Level 2 Kundalini Yoga certified teacher with over 25 years of experience.
Karta Purkh Singh lives with his wife and daughter in Hamburg, Germany